Calling all social innovators of Baltimore!

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Apply to the Social Innovation Lab

Priority Deadline: September 22

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Social Innovation Lab Application FAQ

Review our frequently asked questions before applying.

The Social Innovation Lab (SIL) at Johns Hopkins University accelerates emerging ventures and leaders that seek to change Baltimore and the world. SIL provides funding, advising and mentorship, training, technical assistance, office space, and network access to help these innovative mission-driven companies and disruptive technologies develop into thriving, sustainable ventures that make a measurable impact.

Application and Program Timelines

  • August 8, 2024: Applications open
  • September 22: Priority application deadline
  • October 1-14: Application review
  • October 14-25: Virtual finalist interviews
  • November 1: Finalists are notified if they have or have not been accepted into the cohort
  • December 2024 – May 2025: Program timeline

Who Should Apply

SIL seeks driven, thoughtful applicants from the greater Baltimore area who are:

  • Deliberate in developing a potential solution rooted in personal
    experience or extensive research
  • Willing to exert extraordinary dedication to make the potential solution a reality
  • Enthusiastic about joining a learning community and sharing resources and open-minded in their approach


  • Venture or entrepreneur working toward a solution with a stated social or environmental impact
  • Applications may be submitted for ventures that are in the prototype/pilot phase (for at least six months) or already launched and operating. Ventures should be able to demonstrate accomplishments, traction, or impact
  • Entrepreneurs should be currently based in, focusing on, or intending to engage/form partnerships in Baltimore
  • Applications are welcome from Johns Hopkins students, staff, and faculty, as well as non-affiliates of Johns Hopkins University
  • Ventures may be non-profit, for-profit, or not yet incorporated
  • We welcome and encourage applications from diverse and traditionally underrepresented founders.
  • Applicants should be able to attend all sessions (at least one team member with decision making authority in the organization should be present). There will be a combination of weekly virtual sessions on Wednesday evenings from 5-7:30 p.m. and monthly in-person sessions on Saturdays, which will take place in Baltimore. A networking session and final Showcase event will also be held in-person